A few quick thoughts about the election.

Yes, I know it makes history, but I really don’t like all the “America elects it’s First Black President” headlines. Can we please do better than sticking a label like that on Obama? This country is never, ever going to get past its racism if we insist on being proud of ourselves for the “achievement” of electing a black man as president.

Second, the bigots won all over the place, even in California. I’m so young that I’ve never seen nastiness like I’ve seen in this election. Commercials implying that if Prop 8 didn’t pass children would be indoctrinated that boys should marry boys? What’s the deal with people? And the ones against this did it in the name of God? I’m sickened by that.

My totally jerkball coworker commented that “it’s already hard to get a job if you’re not a minority.” I restrained myself and he’s still unharmed.

14 thoughts on “A few quick thoughts about the election.

  1. He’s an asshole and I mostly ignore him.

    Besides, he said it in front of a black guy. Really, how rude can you be?

    Later on, someone pointed out to me that 8 passed thinking that I would be happy (due to my Christianity, because supposedly Christians should support such a thing). That led to a discussion, as you can imagine. *He* thinks that Jesus would support Capital Punishment! WTF?!?

  2. Re: Prop 8

    Apparently they’re still waiting for all the absentee ballots to be counted — there are still several million. Mine is in there, and it was definitely a “no” vote.

  3. Re: He’s an asshole and I mostly ignore him.

    Well, that’s how Jesus got into heaven, so it must be All Good

    Here’s what I hope for in this Prop 8 legislation: it goes to the SCOTUS and they not only rescind this law because it violates the separation of church and state, but also rescind Every Other State’s “definition of marriage”

    California’s result sucks, but I think in some ways Arkansas’ limit of adoption/fostering of children to married couples is more cruel. Not only does it hurt same-sex partners, but also single people who want to raise a child.

  4. Re: He’s an asshole and I mostly ignore him.

    there was a “sarcasm” tag at the end of my first sentence that didn’t show up in the post. I forget what “code” works on what websites. Sorry.

  5. Re: He’s an asshole and I mostly ignore him.

    I’m so lost for a witty response to that. I’m going to assume you explained what a Christian was to him and left it at that.

  6. Re: Prop 8

    We’re really not putting much hope into that. Absentee ballots in states with large military populations (CA has a large chunk of the navy in the nasty bits down south) tend to skew heavily conservative.

    But I have a lot of friends who have “no” votes in absentee ballots waiting to be counted, so who knows. One can hope.

  7. Re: He’s an asshole and I mostly ignore him.

    Yeah, I certainly did. But my arguments were obviously lost on him. And the guy is a Methodist pastor in the conference over here. That just isn’t a good thing at all. I guess the Midwestern ideology wins out over theology any day.

  8. Re: Prop 8

    Yeah, the “No to Prop 8” newsletter came out last night and said that they need more money to fund the legal battle now.

  9. Re: He’s an asshole and I mostly ignore him.

    I think you might be right about Arkansas. I know a family that has 7 children (8 actually, one has grown up and moved out). The parents aren’t married, but have lived together for years. Only one of those kids is his by birth – the rest are all adopted. And they’ve had a ton of foster kids through the years. Why deny them the opportunity to help those kids, just so that you can be bigoted? People suck sometimes.

  10. Re: He's an asshole and I mostly ignore him.

    I think this is one of those laws that is going to bite them in the ass because they weren’t thinking it through. Law of slightly unintended consequences.

    But this is the sort of thing that happens when you use fear tactics to push an agenda (and we’ve seen how well that worked in 2004).

    Arkansas officials have already lamented that there now aren’t enough eligible families signed up to deal with the kids that need places. Too bad the ballot’s secret. Because I’d be bringing kids around to the houses of the people who voted this in, saying “Well, you wanted this, now deal with the consequences! This kid needs someplace to live!”

  11. Re: He’s an asshole and I mostly ignore him.

    Well, even so, the state has to deal with keeping all those kids. Unfortunately that might mean that kids get left in unsafe homes instead of being removed. But anyway it should backfire on the taxpayers in the long run, and the wallet is the only place you can hurt some people.

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